Stuck at "Loading PVR Manager - 0 %" - what am I doing wrong?
Guys, I really need your help, I don't know what to do anymore, can you please give me detailed instructions on how to setup this add-on with an Enigma2 backend, so I can review on what I did wrong? In addition to the instructions, I need your help with a specific issue, where (as the title suggests) every time I configure the add-on and then choose the "TV" option from Kodi's main menu, the "TV" screen is stuck at "Loading PVR Manager - 0 %". Thank you very much. BTW I'm trying to do this with my Dreambox DM920 ultra HD (running Enigma2, idk what specific version) and my 2021 M1 iMac (running Kodi v20.1 Nexus under macOS 13.2.1 Ventura). Once again, thank you very much.
Help people help you by creating a debug log (wiki)
I don’t think I’m able to do that with my specific issue, will a video of the issue be enough?
Yes, you can always create a debug log. We need to see the debug log to be able to see where things are stuck.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Same problem starts here when I re-enabled this plugin after a long time.
Kodi 20.1 on Windows x64, addon installed 20.5.1, connected to VuPlus Solo2, OWIF 1.2.6.
I tried configuring addon using all alternatives, hostname, IP address, and DDNS name with always the same error in log:

2023-04-01 09:29:37.244 T:4392    error <general>: CCurlFile::XFILE::CCurlFile::Open - <> Failed with code 0:

Could be something about path (/web/currenttime it's strange), and the entire link doesn't work if copied into a web browser.

I checked into an old Kodi backup and find settings.xml dated Feb. 12, 2023 (addon was 20.4.2) and path here is correct if used in browser:
Quote:<settings version="2">
    <setting id="host"></setting>
    <setting id="webport">80</setting>
    <setting id="use_secure" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="user">username</setting>
    <setting id="pass">password</setting>
    <setting id="autoconfig" default="true">false</setting>
    <setting id="streamport" default="true">8001</setting>
You need to run OpenWebIf at least 1.3.5. So please upgrade your E2 image and report back.

If it’s still not working after upgrading please also supply a full debug log.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Thanks for your reply, but I can't upgrade box right now, cause I'm really far from home.
What is the latest release of this addon the works with Kodi 20.1 and OpenWebif 1.2.6 and how can I download it for Win64/Android as zip?
I did a quick search on Github but found only Sources.


There is not one. 1.3.5 of OpenWebIf has been a requirement for years now.
Maintainer of Enigma2 PVR addon: repo, docschangelog
How to create a full debug: here
Finally I found time to "downgrade" to addon 20.4.2 and can confirm it works with OWIF 1.2.6.
I'll start searching same release for Android.
Thanks for your help.

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Stuck at "Loading PVR Manager - 0 %" - what am I doing wrong?0