v20 How to Set Image Type in MSIF
Following the instructions to create the MSIF, I get to this line:

"From the above Movie set information folder setting scroll down the page to Artwork level"

I see nothing that would permit me to scroll, just the field for entering the path to the MSIF folder. Where is the list of file types?
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artwork level in Settings > Media > Videos is only available when settings level is set to advanced or expert

on the left at the very bottom ensure it says such and not "Basic" or "Standard"
You know, every time I post an inquiry to this forum, it turns out to be a stupid question. My brain must be disintegrating faster than I thought. (But then again, how would I know if my brain was disintegrating?)

Thanks for the tip.
(2023-10-15, 04:58)hurricane51 Wrote: it turns out to be a stupid question.

no worries, better to ask a stupid question than to suffer trying to find an easy answer

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How to Set Image Type in MSIF0