Best Kodi add ons for Nvidia Shield TV?
What are the best Kodi add ons for Nvidia Shield TV?

Here is what I have so far:


Backup - Restore / Backup
Official Kodi Repository
Official Kodi Repository

Log Viewer
Official Kodi Repository

Trakt Tv
Official Kodi Repository

Universal Movie Scraper
Official Kodi Repository
This kind of thread is generally pointless, as what may be essential for one user can often be of little use or interest for another.

Different people have different usage cases and requirements for Kodi, so any answer you may get is very subjective anyway...
Plus in a lot of cases addons for streamed media are geolocked, so if you're in the wrong part of the world you can't use them anyway.
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Maybe I should have asked...What are some good basic add-ons that will benefit most user?  I i use Kodi for mainly wathcing TV Shows and Movies.  Or do I already have that covered?
Providing the media is basically down to you as the user - we just supply the media centre to catalogue and of course watch it with.

We do not supply anything, nor do we support or condone using Kodi to obtain stuff illegitimately (see our forum rules (wiki) for details there, as I recall your first attempt at this thread fell foul of them).

As I said above, what is available legitimately will strongly depend on where you are, due to geolocking of many free/public media sources.
And we also do not support overcoming such geolocking, see the link above for details).

If you can give details of which terrority you may be in, others can maybe suggest addons which could work.
But it won't be anything premium, and you may be better off just looking at what's in the official repo or in the addon support threads here and seeing what takes your fancy.
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Best Kodi add ons for Nvidia Shield TV?0