v20 Studio Icons White - Not showing one specific icon.

I am having trouble getting Kodi (Aeon Nox SiLVO skin), more specifically CoreELEC 20.2, to show one particular icon, namely Amazon Prime Video.
I have tried editing shows with Metadata Editor and that is working just fine showing any other icon I have tried, e.g. Amazon, Amazon Studios etc.
But Amazon Prime Video (typing this exact name in the editor) is not showing the logo, even though I know and have verified it is in the Studio Icons White pack.
It is only showing plain text, as in other cases where logos are not present, or being misspelled.

Can anyone confirm, that it's not just me having this weird issue.

Also, there are a couple of logos not in the pack (MGM+, FreeVee etc.). Is there a place to report this, and does one have to provide the .png's?


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Studio Icons White - Not showing one specific icon.0