Cannot see .xml files on Kodi File manager

special://home shows me the .xml files
But I used a copy of some other kodi config on /storage/emulated/0/KODI_CFG/XXX/userdata  and I cannot see any xml file there  (they show when I use an Android file manager)

Is this on purpose, or do I have to modify some setting?
Do you see any other files? I bet they all are hidden, not only .xml. This is some sort of a permission issue.

I have the same problem with Fire TV Stick 4K Max 2nd gen (Android 11). No issues with 1st gen (Android 9). As a workaround I use an SMB share as a temporary storage.
After some experimenting, it seems Kodi file manager recognize files with extensions like .jpg, but not other like .txt

It seems I had to give File permissions to Kodi All the time (before it was set to 'Only while using the app'). Not intuitive at all why this would change things.

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Cannot see .xml files on Kodi File manager0