Nvidia shield
I have two Nvidia devices running Kodi.  For Kodi, the difference is that the older won't download the epg and programme data (Favourites boutique).   For me this is an old problem going back a couple of releases or so

I am using the Enigma PVR add on

The Kodi settings are the same except for one difference

The Nvidia device that works properly is model number P3430 V11 and the one that doesn't dates from 2016 and is the P2571 V11 (classic games m/c).  Both are running the same Shield software 9.1.1 (

The Enigma settings are both the same but the only Kodi setting difference is under the PVR setting - Use channel numbers from backend.  As this is the only relevant difference I can fined,  I change that to OFF on the old classic Nvidia,  Kodi immediately closes.  On restarting the setting has been reset back to ON.  In spite of that, the channel numbers are not the ones from the backend - they are what I would expect if it was set to OFF (numbers beginning 1...) 

To be honest I have really given up on this one and am not really expecting to find a solution and am reluctant to spend any more time on it. But just in case someone out there.....

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