xbmc-scripts broken?
The following packages have unmet dependencies:
xbmc-scripts: Depends: xbmc-common (= 2.1a2-hardy2) but it is not going to be installed
E: Broken packages

This is on a clean hardy install from 20 minutes ago using the hardy ppa sources. Any ideas?

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get remove xbmc-common
sudo apt-get install xbmc
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Thanks for the reply but i have tried that in multiple variations. The reason i formatted to a clean install was because i thought something went screwy on the dist-upgrade of my previous install, guess not?
can you precise me which PPA exactly you're using ? and which exact command you're typing to install xbmc ?
Are you trying to install xbmc-scripts ? If yes, forget about it. This package has been renamed to xbmc-scripts-example .
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wow i'm a jackass. xbmc-scripts-example did the trick, i just didnt notice it sitting there. From the hardy ppa, i'm running svn:15613 Thanks a lot for the help!

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