KodiFileSync sync bookmark,play history,setting for video files across Kodi versions
KodiFileSync Use MySQL to sync bookmarks, play counts and play settings for your video files across Kodi versions

Hi everyone, if you are using a relational database server to manage your Kodi library e.g. MySQL, this project aims to sync certain video file metadata across Kodi versions. The metadata includes resume type bookmarks, play counts and play settings for your video files. The metadata excludes information gathered from scrapers such as movie/tv show names, ratings, actors, genres etc. The installation instructions can be found on Github at https://github.com/NahsiN/kodi-file-sync. Some familiarity with running Python scripts is assumed. If this interest you, please give it a try and I'd love to your feedback Smile

Because Kodi is available on a myriad of devices, I sometimes run into the problem of different Kodi versions across devices brought about by my inability to synchronize version updates or me wanting to try a cutting edge version of Kodi on one device. My desire to keep my library in sync across all the Kodi versions led me to the syncing and sharing wiki page, which does a great job of highlighting one's options. I have tried both PlexKodiConnect and JellyCon. There is also Mezzmo which solves this problem completely however I haven't tried that out yet as I don't use Windows that often. My first preference is the MySQL option but as is clearly documented on the MySQL wiki page, the central database server (using MySQL or MariaDB) approach does not allow for syncing libraries across Kodi versions. So a couple of months ago I became intrigued by this limitation, so I started reading forum posts [1,2,3], looking into Kodi's codebase, playing with MySQL triggers and events etc. My grand idea was to understand Kodi's database design choices and to explore potential redesigns. Realizing that this would be a huge undertaking, I decided to limit my scope and came up with KodiFileSync for my personal use.

1. SQL Database for v20 readable for v17?
2. syncing libraries with MySql across devices with different version absurdity
3. Syn Kodi watched status across multi devices / multi platforms
Thanks for this.  I took a quick look and it seems like you put a lot of effort into the design.  My use case is more syncing across sqlite databases but I do have a test mariadb I could experiment with.

scott s.
Thanks Scott for the kind words. I've updated the README in the repo to include instructions for MariaDB. I'm testing on MariaDB right now and so far everything seems to be working.

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KodiFileSync sync bookmark,play history,setting for video files across Kodi versions0