Dont XBMC support tv-in cards?
If it dont support DVB-C, DVB-T and so on its no use i wast time to try to get it to work.
we support it through myth. no reason to reinvent the wheel
Dont se anything called myth in it.
Hi Spiff, hi at all...

I've just installed the marvellous XBMC on my Ubuntu 8.0.4.
XBMC seems 2 be the best media center effectively, but I am a novice and I ask you a little help about how 2 configure my:
- Hauppauge PVR-250 TV/MPEG2 card;
- Remote controller (i've the Microsoft MC keyb+Mouse) but I can think 2 buy any as your suggestion.

Hope Spiff (that seems to be an XBMC's Guru) helps me...
Thanks a lot 4 ur attention

configuration for tv card isn't done inside xbmc... it relies on a mythtv backend running somewhere in the local network or on the same machine xbmc runs, xbmc only has a video source mythtv://someuserConfusedomepass@somehost to receive stream data, so, as far as your video card is supported by mythtv, it will be supported by xbmc (but you need to install mythbackend)
for the remote... i guess you're talking about the one which comes with the pvr-250... it should be supported by lirc, so you just need to modify lircmap.xml (the one in ~/.xbmc/userdata ) with the correct codes and load the correct lirc driver

btw... another italian Smile

skidrow Wrote:If it dont support DVB-C, DVB-T and so on its no use i wast time to try to get it to work.
Please read this before you reply again, that is if you expect to get any answers:
Perhaps you did not realize how rude the way you asked your question could be perceived.
Always read the XBMC online-manual, FAQ and search the forum before posting.
Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first.
Ciao Succo,
sono anch'io italiano - romano precisamente.

Ho letto la tua risposta e ti ringrazio. Il problema è che sono veramente un novizio quindi se hai tempo e voglia accetterò volentieri un aiuto più "dettagliato", altrimenti pazienza... arriverò (forse) alla soluzione in tempi migliori.

A proposito del telecomando: no. Ho acquistato quello microsoft per mediacenter compresa la testiera senza fili. Quello Hauppauge che possiedo è privo di ricevitore IR per cui è inusabile.

Un grosso ringraziamento per la tua attenzione

A shor message for Spiff:

i've asked you an help because i've thinked of you as a XBMC's guru: probably correct.
i've sended a private message beause i've thinked that speak to you 'directly' was more useful and no annoying for others members.

Remember, knowledge is none with no elegance, style and education. You don't need to improve your knowledge; leave time for the other ones...

Gamester17 Wrote:See:

Please read this before you reply again, that is if you expect to get any answers:
Perhaps you did not realize how rude the way you asked your question could be perceived.
Short answer shoudl anyone ever bother to search and find this thread: XBMC doesn't directly support tuner cards at this time. Instead XBMC is capable of playing video recorded by MythTV that DOES directly support tuner cards and has done so forever as that's IT'S purpose. so rather than reinventing the wheel XBMC simply leverages existing functionality in another product albeit perhaps not as well as some might want. The developers are concentrating on getting XBMC to the same level of functionality as it had on the XBOX before trying to do added things so asking for direct tuner support now or other NEW functionality is likely pointless.
Openelec Gotham, MCE remote(s), Intel i3 NUC, DVDs fed from unRAID cataloged by DVD Profiler. HD-DVD encoded with Handbrake to x.264. Yamaha receiver(s)

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Dont XBMC support tv-in cards?0