[WINDOWS] Control Windows volume instead of XBMC own volume
So, ya... this is long dead and prob mentioned/solved/hash out on 1000 other threads, but I'm tired of searching honestly.

Recently, Windows 10 can be controlled entirely by remote. I use a WMC remote and found that Youtube, Netflix, Web pages, etc. can have their volume controlled via my remote. This is an amazing feature. As all great positives include negatives, I have lost on screen volume control of Kodi. The volume adjust still works, but I have no visual reference. This includes the MUTE feature; it works, but no on screen display bar.
I am currently using Aeon Nox. It worked up until a few weeks ago. I've tried the default skin and the same missing on-screen volume occurs.

I also have no idea if the volume adjust with my remote is adjusting Kodi or Windows.

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[WINDOWS] Control Windows volume instead of XBMC own volume0