aeon stark is beautiful
aeon stark is beautiful, the skin makes xbmc look like a media center you would have to pay hundreds or thousands for!

thank you for a great xbmc skin

what remotes work with stark, so i can start looking for a remote to use with stark

when i press the esc button on the keyboard when watching a movie how do i go back to the movie without it starting from the beginning?

can i change where movies and tv shows point to? on my computer i want to point them to C:\Users\home 2\Videos\Movies and C:\Users\home 2\Videos\TV

<arrow keys> - navigate
<page up and down> - scroll up and down
<enter> - select
<esc> - previous menu
<backspace> - go up back (or up) a directory
<space> - pause
<period> - Skip Next
<comma> - Skip Previous
<tab> - Minimize Video
<backslash> - Full Screen Toggle
<printscreen> = Screen Shot
<minus> - Volume Down
<plus> - Volume Up
<0 - 9> - 0 through 9

p - Play
f - Fast Forward
c - Context menu
r - Rewind
x - Stop
m - Player controls
s - Shutdown menu
i - Info
q - Queue
z - Change aspect ratio

i have now edited my first post so it is shorter and the post is not so big

could anyone answer the rest of my questions please?
sarahandkevin Wrote:aeon stark is beautiful, the skin makes xbmc look like a media center you would have to pay hundreds or thousands for!

thank you for a great xbmc skin

Yeah, I've seen those systems you are talking about (Kaleidescape, Crestron Adagio, etc). Stark looks much nicer. Big Grin


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