Long delay between CD track when playing

I am experiencing a very peculiar problem : when I play a music CD in XBMC, there is a very long delay (at least 3 to 4 seconds) when changing tracks. During that time, there is simply no sound coming out from the speakers and I can hear the cd-rom driver stopping, and then restarting. It's only when fully spinning that the next track starts playing. It looks like the cd-rom drive read the whole track, then stops, then realizes that the next track should be playing and restart the spinning.

I can confirm that the crossfade option is set to "off".

Anybody know what I can do to fix this?
Maybe there is some strange values in your xbmc cache settings ?
Sounds almost like it caches the entire track before it plays.
Check your cahce settings to be sure thats not the problem.
Which Cache setting? The one identified as "Audio Cache - DVDROM" already set at 256 kb? It seems to be already really small for audio contents...
I just realize that the problem occurs not only when the track changes, but also when I try to skip to the next or previous track.

If I hit the skip button, it takes a long delay before playing the new selected track.

I tried playing the CD in Rhythmbox and it played fine (including track skipping).
Please see the sticky about posting problems in a useful manner.
althekiller Wrote:Please see the sticky about posting problems in a useful manner.

That sticky would need some refreshment concerning where the debug log is placed now. Wink
olympia Wrote:That sticky would need some refreshment concerning where the debug log is placed now. Wink
Oops. Done.

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Long delay between CD track when playing0