[Request] Securitytube.net
Big Grin 
Great site with tons of tutorials on security, it's fairly simple it has the link to the video directly in the source .mp4 format just split from file= and you have the video link. So hopefully someone can whip this up easily.
@OrderZero it took quiet a long time that someone answers your request but I just started 4 days ago to interrest me in plugin dev for XBMC and i was also looking for an securitytube plugin. sine your request a lot of things have changed at securitytube.net and they are now hosting their videos on multible streaming-sites. I tried to cover the most but all is nearly impossible. I think I now have a coverage of about 95% of the videos and after some testing under win7 on my own mediacenter I am releasing my first plugin for xbmc. You can find the current release thread here

Btw, SecurityTube now offers professional certifications for Wireless, Metasploit etc. and also gives our free course material to universities for use: http://securitytube-training.com

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[Request] Securitytube.net0