Xbmc doesnt ignore folders
Yellow I have some questions?

I have checked in "Set Content" "Exclude path from library updates" in the folder who has the movies. But Ive have unchecked that option in folders who has tv shows. But xbmc still search through movie folder.

I have a serie that want to scrapp up but the thetvdb.com scrapper doest find it. But when I searched for it on thetvdbs website Ive found it how come?? The file names is correct and right order, and I had tested other scrappers in xbmc without any luck.

I Have the latest version of xbmc babylon.
A more reliable method is to defnie multiple sources as required for each type. This is rather than try and set one folder and exclude sub folders.

XBMC does well at detecting show names but it is not perfect and never can be. Please see tvshow.nfo entry in the wiki for a 100% reliable means of setting a show.
Having problems getting your TV shows recognized?

Try my extra TV show matching REGEX here
I have different folders for tv shows and movies they are not even in the same folder just the same harddrive. Im not really sure what you mean with .the folder issue
OK rather than have us guess how about posting details of your setup. A debug log wouldnt go wrong either Big Grin
Having problems getting your TV shows recognized?

Try my extra TV show matching REGEX here
F:\movies\movie name\*.mkv
F:\tv shows\Tv show name\*.avi


Tv shows/files root
F:\tv shows\Tv show name\*.avi
In "Set content"
"Exclude path from library updates" Unchecked

F:\movies\movie name\*.mkv
In "Set content"
"Exclude path from library updates" Checked

Movies/files root
F:\movies\movie name\*.mkv
In "Set content"
"Exclude path from library updates" Checked

F:\tv shows\Tv show name\*.avi
In "Set content"
"Exclude path from library updates" Unchecked

Sorry for the beginner talk but how do I a debug log.
I do not get what you are trying to do, but you set contents separately on movies and tv shows, so why the excludes?
Set contents on
F:\tv shows\
and you should be set?

If you don't want XBMC to scan your movies, don't set content on them at all!

See here for more info and how to get a debug log:
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Iam trying to get xbmc to not search the f:\Movie folder for library updates every time Ive open the program becourse i dont put any new movies in that folder that often.

On the same harddrive I have f:\Tv shows that xbmc needs to update every time I startup.

Its taking XBMC about 3 minutes to search my harddrives and its searching everything.
The above suggests you are setting contents twice for each content type.
Am I misunderstanding this incorrectly?
Plus still missing the debug log.
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Do not e-mail XBMC-Team members directly asking for support. Read/follow the forum rules.
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Xbmc doesnt ignore folders0