Search and movie plots?
This is probably just me missing the obvious setting somewhere, but is it possible to have the "Search" function actually search through movie plots?

For example, if I'm looking for all my "James Bond" movies, and I search on "Bond", I get back 8 hits on random actors and TV episode plots. None of the 22 Bond movies gets found.

In videodatabase.cpp I see CVideoDatabase::GetEpisodesByPlot(), but it looks to me like that's only going grab TV episodes, not movies.

Likewise DoSearch() in videobase.cpp says:
/// \brief Search for genres, artists and albums with search string \e strSearch in the musicdatabase and return the found \e items

The "musicdatabase" part is just wrong, but the "brief" makes me wonder if there's a "not brief" search option.

Anyone have any ideas/thoughts?

Probably just something that was missed out. Feel free to do up a patch. It's just a matter of generating the necessary queries, and a bit of copy and paste.

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Will do.

By the way, could someone give me ninja status on the Manual wiki so I can update the OSX build page?

Quote:Will do.

opened ticket 6668 in XBMC-trac, with patch attached.

Quote:could someone give me ninja status on the Manual wiki so I can update the OSX build page?

anyone? please?
Thanks - will check it out.

Will ask regarding ninja status on your behalf. What details are you wanting to update exactly?

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