Anybody want to help develop a cross-platform iTunes Plugin? (and later for iPhoto?)
It seems fairly straight-forward. Goals would be:

- Allow the back end to run on either Windows or Mac. Change last played date, skip count, play count, etc.
- Full front end support with album art and everything else we can implement.

There is already a plugin out there, but it doesn't update play count, doesn't yet have album art, and I'm a little hesitant about the design.

I think this would be a good project to split between two people since you have the obvious GUI side plugin and back end server that need to be written.

If anybody's interested, an iPhoto plugin would also be nice, to serve up iPhoto media to pc, mac, or xbox.

Feedback / requests are welcome.

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Anybody want to help develop a cross-platform iTunes Plugin? (and later for iPhoto?)0