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"cdArt" concept - current cdImage with artist fanart support in music visualizations
azido Wrote:hmm.


for "black sabbath" it would resolve to

backdrops/artist_fanart/black sabbath

..is this how that is intended to be? shouldn't there be a slash at the end? also, doesn't a path with spaces in it need to go in quotes to be recognized completely?

Yep, its correct. Strange, but true Smile

The multiimage control seems to fill in the trailing slash, so its not required. On my Mac, I also don't need any quotes for artists with spaces in their names - I obviously can't speak for other platforms though - but I wouldn't expect it to be different...
Where would the quotes go? I'm on Linux maybe that's what I need I dunno lol.
you need to match the folder name where the fanarts are exactly with the artist/band name xbmc read from the album that is playing.

to test select a more easier artist that doesnt have any spaces.

just follow the logic of the code
xbmc will play an slideshow of the images inside the folder name $INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist] which means the name of the currently playing artist/band, of course if that folder is in this path (backdrops/artist_fanart/)

I could provide more info but i cant test this because I dont use it anymore, mine is setup with single fanart read from the music source storage the same with the cdarts.
clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

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reaven Wrote:I could provide more info but i cant test this because I dont use it anymore, mine is setup with single fanart read from the music source storage the same with the cdarts.

Me too! Wink
reaven Wrote:you need to match the folder name where the fanarts are exactly with the artist/band name xbmc read from the album that is playing.

to test select a more easier artist that doesnt have any spaces.

just follow the logic of the code
xbmc will play an slideshow of the images inside the folder name $INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist] which means the name of the currently playing artist/band, of course if that folder is in this path (backdrops/artist_fanart/)

I could provide more info but i cant test this because I dont use it anymore, mine is setup with single fanart read from the music source storage the same with the cdarts.
Thanx reaven maybe that will work better. Can you drop the code so the fanArt gets read in the same folder as the cdArt?
If im not mistaken what your saying is you have to name the fanArt file the same way you do with the cdArt and drop em inside the same folder?
Nevermind it worked lol. Smile for anyone with that issue a good idea would be to copy the name of the folder that has the artist name with the music in, and paste it in the one you gonna put the fanArt I dunno why that made it work.
kornkidpr Wrote:Nevermind it worked lol. Smile for anyone with that issue a good idea would be to copy the name of the folder that has the artist name with the music in, and paste it in the one you gonna put the fanArt I dunno why that made it work.

because of what I told you, the name of the fanart folder have to be the exact artist/band name XBMC display and in some OS those names are case sensitive like (ex. black eyed peas IS NOT THE SAME AS Black Eyed Peas).

and also the default fallback fanart will show up depending of your XBMC svn version, but glad it work for you.
clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

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hey reaven,

as of svn r24254, xbmc supports MusicPlayer.Property(Fanart_Image)

so for showing a single fanart image, you can use this instead of the 'workaround' that's currently being used.

more info in this thread:
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ronie Wrote:hey reaven,

as of svn r24254, xbmc supports MusicPlayer.Property(Fanart_Image)

so for showing a single fanart image, you can use this instead of the 'workaround' that's currently being used.

more info in this thread:

thanks nice to know, but from where it reads the fanart?, from the music source folder ?

currently am reading the fanart from the corresponding music folder along with the music in the music storage source the same with cdArts.

Basically my cdart reside inside the corresponding music album folder and my fanart inside the artist/band folder (locally or remote)
this is for the single fanart, the fanart slideshow cant be read from remote sources (ASAIK).

*note this will not work with the current posted mod, if you use this you have to make the corresponding changes, movement, deletion and editing of the necessary images, folder, files, cdarts, fanarts, ect..!

fanart code
<control type="largeimage" id="1">
      <description>single fanart from music folder</description>
      <texture fallback="smb://MEDIASERVER/Music/fanart.jpg">smb://MEDIASERVER/Music/$INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist]/fanart.jpg</texture>[color=Red]use your own path here this one is mine[/color]
      <visible>!Visualisation.Enabled + Player.HasAudio</visible>

cdart code
<control type="largeimage">
            <description>cdArt from music folder</description>
            <animation effect="slide" start="-118" end="0" time="700" tween="cubic" easing="out" delay="1000">WindowOpen</animation>
            <animation type="WindowClose">
            <effect type="slide" start="0" end="-114" time="700" tween="cubic" easing="in" delay="0"/>
            <effect type="fade" start="100" end="0" time="1300"/>
            <condition type="!Player.Playing"/>
           <animation effect="rotate" end="-360" center="auto" time="2000" loop="true" reversible="false" condition="!Player.Paused">Conditional</animation>
            <texture fallback="smb://MEDIASERVER/Music/default.png">smb://MEDIASERVER/Music/$INFO[MusicPlayer.Artist]/$INFO[MusicPlayer.Album]/cdart.png</texture>[color=Red]use your own path here this one is mine[/color]
            <aspectratio align="bottom">keep</aspectratio>
clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

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I've put a request in on the Rapier sub-forum about incorporating cdArts into the skin.
Can anyone help?

[REQUEST] cdArt in Rapier?

Big Grin
MusicPlayer.Property(Fanart_Image) should pull the fanart from the cached fanart image I believe
joebrady Wrote:MusicPlayer.Property(Fanart_Image) should pull the fanart from the cached fanart image I believe

what cache fanart if at least my music is not scrape with anything so there is no fanart in any cache just the fanart i download and put it in the artist folder
clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

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I may be completly wrong about that, I'll need to test out how it actually works as I can't find a definitive answer.

I'm not sure if the fanart is cached if the music is not scanned into the libraryHuh

anyone know?
reaven Wrote:thanks nice to know, but from where it reads the fanart?, from the music source folder ?

what joebrady said.
of course you'll have to scan your music to the library first, it will pick up the fanart images you currently have in the artist folders.
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ronie Wrote:what joebrady said.
of course you'll have to scan your music to the library first, it will pick up the fanart images you currently have in the artist folders.

so the code practically would be the same except instead of the <texture> line I would use <info> ?
clearArt Concept
cdArt Concept

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"cdArt" concept - current cdImage with artist fanart support in music visualizations2