I think this would be a great plugin. There are over 5000 movie reviews from over the years from Siskel and Ebert and the people who have hosted the show since then. They also post new episodes on the site too as they come in.
I always wanted to make a plugin for this site but I didn't like their new host. It shouldn't be so bad now that Michael Phillips is coming back.

Since they use a Flash API to organize their content, it should be fairly easy site to make a plugin for. Maybe you should try making it for yourself Smile

I'm gonna be busy for the next couple days with school, so I'm sure when I'll start on it.
I would try myself, but it just seems quite a bit on the complex side for me since I have zero experience with coding. But if you are willing to do it at some point if you get the time, I'd appreciate it.Smile

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