Movie Posters Not Showing.
I am having a problem with Movie Posters. I am using the PPA SVN 22528. I had been compiling the svn every night and noticed any new movies I was adding the posters were not showing up. I tried everything from deleting the video database to doing a fresh install os ubuntu and xbmc. I just did a fresh install install of ubuntu and xbmc svn 22528 earlier today and created a new video database and the movie posters are still not showing. I was wondering if this was a problem in the svn or something else? All my posters are in the <movie name>.jpg format. Fanart shows up just fine which are named <movie name>-fanart.jpg. Any help would be great. I will get a log and post if someone thinks that might be needed.
I have to re-download all posters. Did a few and those worked. this will be lots of fun.
I had to download all the images to tbn files. For some reason xbmc is not reading posters in jpg format.
Phantisy Wrote:I had to download all the images to tbn files. For some reason xbmc is not reading posters in jpg format.

That's just how it works:

Fanart uses the moviename-fanart.jpg format while the thumbnail, or movie poster, uses the moviename.tbn format.
When posting about a problem please submit a debug log to give you the best chance at getting an answer. It's easy, painless, and helps provide necessary information.

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Movie Posters Not Showing.0