[LINUX] Apple TV Benefits running linux? 1080i

Recently got myself a appletv. It works quite well. However i'm thinking of changing to linux on it since 1080i dose not work that well.

Would switching to linux help to resolve the problem?

Are there any other benefits using xbmc for linux over xbmc for mac? Davilla said somewhere that most functions are identical, however i'm more intrested in performance. 720p videos are currently quite choppy on osx. How would those files play in linux?

the appleTV only has a 1ghz processor. 1080 is out of the question. 720 should usually be fine for lower bitrate files with either OS
sorry i meant that i want 1080i as my output resolution on my tv.

720p videos do not work for me. :S
Jaken Wrote:sorry i meant that i want 1080i as my output resolution on my tv.

720p videos do not work for me. :S

It depends on which 720p files. Main profile 720p files work fine for me. There are many variations of 720p floating around in .mkv containers apparently.


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[LINUX] Apple TV Benefits running linux? 1080i0