Monitor for XBMC
Hello all,

I want to add xbmc to my bedroom, and instead of buying another huge plasma, thought as I don't really need a conventional tv, can I use a HD monitor?

Will picture quality suffer?

Something like this, wall mounted (small bedroom, so close to foot of bed)

I got one of those myself, it is probably not as bright as a tv, however i think the imagequality is very decent. My guess is that you would be satisfied with that as xbmc monitor in your bedroom.

What you need to think of is that if you want your htpc to be running. You have no good way of turning the screen off. Since you lack a remote.
True, no remote, but it will presumably power off when the xbmc is put to sleep and it "detects no input signal" so I wouldn't have to get up, but like I said, its literally at the foot of the bed anyway Laugh

As for brightness, I guess it'd have to be set at just the right viewing angle, like my typical laptop screen, that looks different from upper or lower angles.

Just looks like a cheaper, yet not lacking alternative to a TV

Will have to sort a decent set of speakers too I guess, hmm.


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Monitor for XBMC0