Lucid Lynx
Any word on the current stable build of XBMC working on the newly released Ubuntu 10.04LTS?

I was just curious.
I'd like to see about this too... If I had some extra time, I'd try it, but setting everything up might be a pain (I'm using an Acer Aspire Revo).
I am running a XBMCBuntu setup on Karmic. I played somey weeks ago with Lucid Lynx RC, and one thing I noticed is that there is a new power management system, so that the power setup described in the XBMCBuntu wiki is not applicable anymore. Meaning I could not get suspend/resume to work accordingly.

Waiting for the XBMCBuntu gurus to pop in and check what needs to be updated.
I actually installed XBMC on Lucid Lynx and my PC freezes with a black screen when I launch XBMC. I compiled it from source using the latest ppas. Guess I will un-install and make a clean fresh install. But I somehow doubt that it will help..
Idontknow Wrote:I actually installed XBMC on Lucid Lynx and my PC freezes with a black screen when I launch XBMC. I compiled it from source using the latest ppas. Guess I will un-install and make a clean fresh install. But I somehow doubt that it will help..

Same is happening to me in a clean install
I compiled from source AND tried the PPA (reinstalled system before each time since I had time and a machine to spare!)
All I get is a black screen with the cursor...
It's all working just fine for me. No freezing, nor any audio or video issues.

I'm using the most recent full public release of XBMC and a fully patched LL OS.
Same here, XBMC SVN PPA on top of 10.04 LTS.

No problems with Audio/Video.
derchris & pFranzen

what graphics card / drivers you using?
Server: Asus Sabertooth Z77 | Intel Core i5 3.4 GHz | 16 GB DDR3 | 128 GB SSD, 82 TB (9 x 6 TB, 7 x 4 TB)
HTPC 1: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 2: Raspberry Pi 2 | HTPC 3: Raspberry Pi
Re-installed everything and it is working ok now. Had something to do with gfs drivers (ASUS EN 8800 GTX). I haven't done anything different than the 1st tries; so plse don't ask me why. Simply follow this guide at the letter. (don't forget the README.ubuntu file!!!). Do not enable external libraries. That's what worked for me.


Edit: Last evening I installed Lucid Lynx LTS x64 on a ION-Zotac N330 and compiled XBMC exactly the same way as above: works out of the box -without sound though. I will fix that later today
If you do switch to the Nvidia driver you'll need to blacklist nouveau to prevent it conflicting with the nvidia driver.
I added the stable ppa to mine again last night and it does not find any of the xbmc files. I have been using teh svn for 2 weeks to get me by but the scrapers are still broken and some of the video is a bit jumpy on some 1080p stuff. Any work on the stable lucid ppa?
Idontknow Wrote:

I installed via these instructions and xbmc installed fine, runs fine, but I'm having some trouble with playback. Still tweaking and hoping to get this resolved myself, but wondering if you experienced a similar issue?

I also would like to express my support for a stable 10.04 build. <3
I've installed the Lucid ppa, but when I perform an apt-get update and try to install xbmc, I get no package found.
pumkinut Wrote:I've installed the Lucid ppa, but when I perform an apt-get update and try to install xbmc, I get no package found.

You need a Lucid SVN PPA:

At least I used it before I compiled my own from SVN

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