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[WINDOWS] HOW-TO use MCE remote in XBMC under Windows the easy way
AgeOfPanic Wrote:Actually, the developer is on this forum. His name is grywnn and this is the topic http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=81018
The developer is there all the time. The thing is, the app already supports setting your own keyboard commands, eg S, to a certain button in the app. However, now I would need a keyboard command for shutdown.

I already gave you the shutdown registry code it's not a keyboard stroke and can never be a keyboard shortcut key because it's an IR command and not a keyboard stroke.

If you are using an MCE remote then in my website all the instruction you need, I just can not help with the iPad app.

I am not home at the moment but, I can set you a testing registry script that you can apply to your windows PC then try with your iPad. Will see then if it works or not!

I already installed your settings, although not the latest version. I will upgrade these. If you have the test script, I would be more than happy to try this. Would something like Autohotkey be another thing to try?
AgeOfPanic Wrote:I already installed your settings, although not the latest version. I will upgrade these. If you have the test script, I would be more than happy to try this. Would something like Autohotkey be another thing to try?

This is the *removed* for use with Dharma releases its based on the original config v1.23. I tested it and the power button does shutdown my PC using my Remote Power button.

Download the config, apply it and Restart then test with your iPad.

EDIT: BTW, I sometimes use XBMC Remote By collect3 it has a shutdown button, but the good thing about it I can set what the shutdown does in XBMC so if I touch the shutdown on my iphone it will trigger whatever I configured in XBMC.

how to do it in XBMC = Settings_> System _> Power Saving_. "Shutdown Function" available options < Quit, Shutdown, Minimize, Suspend, Hibernate>

I can not believe he told you to look at my Config settings instead of telling you to do this instead, but then I do not have an iPad and I do not know how his iPad commander works.

I'm sorry, I think I'm not explaining it correctly. My MCE remote already shuts down the pc with a touch on the power button, actually I set it to hibernate in windows power settings, but the button works. Now I would just need something to shut it down with a keyboard command, because i dont think the ipad can send an IR signal. I think I will try Autohotkey, it should be able to do this. Thanks for your help, I hope I didn't bother you too much.
AgeOfPanic Wrote:I'm sorry, I think I'm not explaining it correctly. My MCE remote already shuts down the pc with a touch on the power button, actually I set it to hibernate in windows power settings, but the button works. Now I would just need something to shut it down with a keyboard command, because i dont think the ipad can send an IR signal. I think I will try Autohotkey, it should be able to do this. Thanks for your help, I hope I didn't bother you too much.

Ohhh, There is no bothering me or any thing I just tried to explain to you that there are no Keyboard shortcut key to Shutdown windows its Only in an IR form. but you can do a trick on your desktop that uses the same trick I used in the past to launch XBMC using "Ctrl-Shft_W" shortcut.

ANy ways here what you need to do to acheive that:

1- Right click on your desktop space and select _> New_. Select Shortcut.

2- On the Create New Shortcut Wizard Click on Browse.

3- Navigate to C: \ Windows \ System32 \ Shutdown.exe and Click Next, then type a name for your shortcut, i.e. "Shutdown Keyboardkey" then Click Finish.
Your shortcut is created.

4- Right Click on the shortcut and select Properties to configure the shutdown shortcut.

5- Select the "shortcut tab" if you are not in it already, then add the parameters [-s -f -t 02] to the command line without the brackets.

It should look like this C:\Windows\System32\shutdown.exe -s -f -t 02

6- Now on the shortcut key field just hit for example S then it will create a keyboard shortcut for you which will look like this "CTRL-ALT-S"

7- Click on OK to Confirm.

Now this even works for an MCE remote, you can assign this Keyboard shortcut key to anything you want. You can even have two functions on your remote "Sleep or Restart or Shutdown" etc etc etc........

NOTE: something useful to know about the switches:

Shuts down the PC.

Logs off the current user.

-t nn
Indicates the duration of delay, in seconds, before performing the action, where nn can be set as time in seconds like -t 03 for example.

-c "messagetext"
Displays a message in the System Shutdown window. A maximum of 127 characters can be used. The message must be enclosed in quotation marks.

Forces any running applications to shut down.

Reboots the PC.

Use the -f switch force shutdown and override any messages windows might post.

Perfect, I'm going to try this as soon as I get home. Would be awesome if this works. Thank you.
AgeOfPanic Wrote:Perfect, I'm going to try this as soon as I get home. Would be awesome if this works. Thank you.

No Probs, trying to help as much as I can. Its very simple to do and after hiting "CTRL-ALT-S" on your desktop it will trigger shutdown after two seconds, you can remove the time if you want or add more time. Your choice :-) any issues le'me Know Big Grin

AgeOfPanic Wrote:Perfect, I'm going to try this as soon as I get home. Would be awesome if this works. Thank you.

I was Reading the Autohotkey user manual, and I thought let me just write a script for shutdown as it can be configured better than the windows desktop shortcut, although nothing wrong with the desktop shortcut as it functions perfect, except it takes space on the desktop and cant assign one keyboard stroke to it unlike Autohotkey.

Well if you think you want to use Autohotkey instead then continue reading :-)

Autohotkey switches in relation to keyboard strokes see this for more info:
#    sends Win
!    Sends Alt
^    sends Control
+    Sends Shift

Below code for Force shutdown which can be triggered by pressing "CTRL-ALT-R" totaly configurable in autohotkey, you can change it to anything you want.

Note: the information inside the script to help you change the script if you want reboot, logoff etc etc... Also added info about windows conventional string that can be used in both Autohotkey scripts below, the same way that I used it in the Windows desktop shortcut two posts above.

        ; Created by Elitegamer360
        ; When pressing CTRL-ALT-R FORCE Shutdown will be activated
        ; Please make sure you saved all your data before activating
        ; This script.

^!R::Shutdown, 5

        ; ---Autohotkey Switches reference---
        ; Logoff - Use 0         
        ; Shutdown - Use 1
        ; Reboot - Use 2
        ; Force - Use 4
        ; Power down - Use 8
        ; Force Shutdown (Shutdown + force = 1 + 4 = 5):
        ; ---END---
        ; ---Windows Switches reference---
        ; Also you can Use Windows conventional switches  
        ; windows conventional switches [ -s -l -t -c -f -r ]
                ; Just Replace <Shutdown, 5> with <run, shutdown -s -f -t 00>
        ; without the brackest
        ; -s :Shuts down the PC.
        ; -l :Logs off the current user.
        ; -t nn :Indicates the duration of delay, in seconds.
        ; -c :"messagetext" Displays a message
        ; in the System Shutdown window. A maximum
        ; of 127 characters can be used.
        ; The message must be enclosed in quotation marks.
        ; -f :Forces any running applications to shut down.
        ; -r :Reboots the PC.
        ; ---END---

and this one comes with a warning message that you can choose Yes to shutdown or No to abort.

        ; Created by Elitegamer360
        ; User Warning that computer Will shutdown
        ; to avoid Dataloss just in case.

^!R::MsgBox,52,Warning,Computer will Shutdown. Proceed?
IfMsgBox NO

Return        ; User pressed the "No" button, Resume Windows Session.

IfMsgBox YES
        ; Switches reference
        ; Logoff - Use 0         
        ; Shutdown - Use 1
        ; Reboot - Use 2
        ; Force - Use 4
        ; Power down - Use 8
        ; Force Shutdown (Shutdown + force = 1 + 4 = 5):
Shutdown, 5


IfMsgBox, Timeout
    Return ; i.e. Assume "No" if it timed out.

; Otherwise, continue:

Just create a new note document, then copy script & paste in notpad and save as .ahk instead of .txt

NOTE: THIS IS FOR PEOPLE USING ENE CIR, ENE CIR HID receiver & Driver and should NOT be used by any one. it only has Default MCE IR commands so it will not work with XBMC stright away. Modification/trial and error required to acheive results.

A couple of days ago I was trying to figure out how to tame ENE CIR HID Receiver which usually comes with built-in HTPC/BOXES etc. And its not 100% Microsoft eHome compatible. I've read on some sites about just uninstalling the ENE CIR HID driver or just update the driver to Microsoft's eHome will tend to sort the problem that the receiver is not receiving signal. The problem is that all depends on hardware and all hardware are not the same i.e. different manufacturers/systems used etc etc... and I do not own such device that I can test with lol.

The main goal of the ENE CIR HID receiver/Driver is to control Microsoft Media center out of the box, unlike an RC6 Remote/Receiver which is fully configurable i.e. you can change remote buttons to anything you want.

so If you stuck with an ENE CIR HID receiver and HP remote or something like that then your best bet is to just remap your buttons with Keyboard.xml or remote.xml if possible or whatever works for you. For that reason I created a reg reference for HP remotes or similar that has most of the buttons. Yes most of the buttons we already know about but some was not listed in an easy way to spot.

Anyways I was able to findout more about the missing buttons which might come with a HTPC bundled HP remote or a similar one.

All data gathered and digested are from here, any end user interset in this I recommend first reading my Tutorial it will help you understand how things are done and will introduce you to the reg bytes, then you will be able to map buttons without using any apps. If you reach that level then you will be able to understand what is going on the site I refered to in this statement.

Below reference to IR codes used in MCE default setup
Name/Function        Button        IR CODE        FULL Registry Code including button number

System Power        [SHUTDOWN]    "03,81,00"    0c,00,00,00,03,81,00,\ ;
System Sleep        [SLEEP]        "03,82,00"    2a,00,00,00,03,82,00,\ ;
System Wake        [WAKEUP]    "03,83,00"    29,00,00,00,03,83,00,\ ;
Guide            [GUIDE]        "01,8D,00"    26,00,00,00,01,8D,00,\ ;
channel up        [CHANNEL UP]    "01,9C,00"    12,00,00,00,01,9C,00,\ ;
channel down        [CHANNEL DOWN]    "01,9D,00"    13,00,00,00,01,9D,00,\ ;
Play            [PLAY]        "01,B0,00"    16,00,00,00,01,B0,00,\ ;
Pause            [PAUSE]        "01,B1,00"    18,00,00,00,01,B1,00,\ ;
Record            [RECOED]    "01,B2,00"    17,00,00,00,01,B2,00,\ ;
FWD/FF            [FWD]        "01,B3,00"    14,00,00,00,01,B3,00,\ ;
RWD/RW            [RWD]        "01,B4,00"    15,00,00,00,01,B4,00,\ ;
Scan Next Track or     [NEXT]         "01,B5,00"    1a,00,00,00,01,B5,00,\ ;
Scan Previous Track or     [PREV]         "01,B6,00"    1b,00,00,00,01,B6,00,\ ;
Stop            [STOP]         "01,B7,00"    19,00,00,00,01,B7,00,\ ; # Repeat diff Sig
Play/Pause ONE button    [Play/Pause]    "01,CD,00"    6e,00,00,00,01,CD,00,\ ;
Mute            [MUTE]        "01,E2,00"    0e,00,00,00,01,E2,00,\ ;
Bass Boost        [BASS BOOST]    "01,E5,00"    **,00,00,00,01,E5,00,\ ;
Loudness        [LOUDNESS]    "01,E7,00"    **,00,00,00,01,E7,00,\ ;
Volume Up        [VOLUME UP]    "01,E9,00"    10,00,00,00,01,E9,00,\ ;
Volume Down        [VOLUME DOWN]    "01,EA,00"    11,00,00,00,01,EA,00,\ ;
Bass Up            [BASS UP]    "01,52,01"    **,00,00,00,01,52,01,\ ;
Bass Down        [BASS DOWN]     "01,53,01"    **,00,00,00,01,53,01,\ ;
Treble Up        [TREBLE UP]    "01,54,01"    **,00,00,00,01,54,01,\ ;
Treble Down        [TREBLE DOWN]    "01,55,01"    **,00,00,00,01,55,01,\ ;
Media Select        [MEDIA SELECT]    "01,83,01"    **,00,00,00,01,83,01,\ ;
Mail            [MAIL]        "01,8A,01"    **,00,00,00,01,8A,01,\ ;
Calculator        [CALCULATOR]    "01,92,01"    **,00,00,00,01,92,01,\ ;
My Computer        [MY COMPUTER]    "01,94,01"    **,00,00,00,01,94,01,\ ;
Exit            [Exit]        "01,04,02"    3b,00,00,00,01,04,02,\ ;
Print            [PRINT]     "01,08,02"    4E,00,00,00,01,08,02,\ ;
Info/Details        [INFO]        "01,09,02"    0f,00,00,00,01,09,02,\ ;
WWW Search        [SEARCH]    "01,21,02"    **,00,00,00,01,21,02,\ ;
WWW Home        [HOME]        "01,23,02"    **,00,00,00,01,23,02,\ ;
WWW Back        [BACK]        "01,24,02"    23,00,00,00,01,24,02,\ ;
WWW Forward        [FORWARD]    "01,25,02"    **,00,00,00,01,25,02,\ ;
WWW Stop        [STOP]        "01,26,02"    19,00,00,00,01,26,02,\ ; # Repeat Diff Sig
WWW Refresh        [REFRESH]    "01,27,02"    **,00,00,00,01,27,02,\ ;
WWW Favorites        [FAVORITES]    "01,2A,02"    **,00,00,00,01,2A,02,\ ;

Full reg code starting with ** means you can insert any button number to assign function to that specific button.

additional buttons on HP Remotes not on RC6 MCE REMOTE
[3b]     [Exit] button
[6e]    [Play/Pause] button
[2a]    [Sleep] button
[29]    [Wake] Button
[4e]     [Print]
[27]    [Aspect/Zoom]
[32]    [Visualization]
[33]    [Slide show]

And here a full registry configuration that you can use to test your remote with. Any more butons functions, see code above.
Windows Registry Editor Version 5.00

  00,00,00,00,04,00,27,\ ; [0]
  01,00,00,00,04,00,1e,\ ; [1]
  02,00,00,00,04,00,1f,\ ; [2]
  03,00,00,00,04,00,20,\ ; [3]
  04,00,00,00,04,00,21,\ ; [4]
  05,00,00,00,04,00,22,\ ; [5]
  06,00,00,00,04,00,23,\ ; [6]
  07,00,00,00,04,00,24,\ ; [7]
  08,00,00,00,04,00,25,\ ; [8]
  09,00,00,00,04,00,26,\ ; [9]
  0a,00,00,00,04,00,29,\ ; [Clear]         - sends "escape"
  0b,00,00,00,04,00,29,\ ; [Enter]         - sends "Return"
  0c,00,00,00,03,81,00,\ ; [Power]         - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  2a,00,00,00,03,82,00,\ ; [Sleep]        - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  29,00,00,00,03,83,00,\ ; [Wakeup]        - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  0d,00,00,00,04,0c,28,\ ; [Windows]         - sends "Windows-Alt-Enter"
  0e,00,00,00,01,E2,00,\ ; [Mute]         - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  0f,00,00,00,01,09,02,\ ; [Info]         - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  10,00,00,00,01,E9,00,\ ; [Vol up]            - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  11,00,00,00,01,EA,00,\ ; [Vol down]          - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  12,00,00,00,01,9C,00,\ ; [Channel up]       - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  13,00,00,00,01,9D,00,\ ; [Channel down]    - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  14,00,00,00,01,B3,00,\ ; [FWD]               - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  15,00,00,00,01,B4,00,\ ; [RWD]               - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  16,00,00,00,01,B0,00,\ ; [Play]              - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  6e,00,00,00,01,CD,00,\ ; [Play/Pause]        - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  17,00,00,00,01,B2,00,\ ; [Record]            - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  18,00,00,00,01,B1,00,\ ; [Pause]             - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  19,00,00,00,01,B7,00,\ ; [Stop]              - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  1a,00,00,00,01,B5,00,\ ; [Next]              - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  1b,00,00,00,01,B6,00,\ ; [Prev]              - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  1c,00,00,00,04,02,20,\ ; [#]             - sends "shift-3"/"#"
  1d,00,00,00,04,02,25,\ ; [*]             - sends "shift-8"/"*"
  1e,00,00,00,04,00,52,\ ; [Up]
  1f,00,00,00,04,00,51,\ ; [Down]
  20,00,00,00,04,00,50,\ ; [align=left]
  21,00,00,00,04,00,4f,\ ; [align=right]
  22,00,00,00,04,00,28,\ ; [OK "return"]
  23,00,00,00,01,24,02,\ ; [Back]         - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  24,00,00,00,04,00,10,\ ; [DVD Menu]         - sends "M"
  25,00,00,00,04,00,17,\ ; [Live TV]         - sends "T"
  26,00,00,00,01,8D,00,\ ; [Guide]         - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  27,00,00,00,04,00,2b,\ ; [Aspect]            - Sends "Tab"
  47,00,00,00,04,01,10,\ ; [Music]            - sends "ctrl-M"  
  48,00,00,00,04,00,12,\ ; [Rec TV]         - sends "O"
  49,00,00,00,04,01,0c,\ ; [Pictures]         - sends "ctrl-I"
  50,00,00,00,04,01,04,\ ; [Radio]            - sends "ctrl-A"
  3b,00,00,00,01,04,02,\ ; [Exit]        - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  4A,00,00,00,04,01,08,\ ; [Videos]           - sends "ctrl-E"
  4E,00,00,00,01,08,02,\ ; [Print]         - SENDS IR SIGNAL
  5A,00,00,00,04,01,23,\ ; [T "Teletext"]     - Sends ctrl-6,
  5B,00,00,00,04,05,1e,\ ; [Red]        - Sends "ctrl-alt-1"
  5C,00,00,00,04,05,1f,\ ; [Green]        - Sends "ctrl-alt-2"
  5D,00,00,00,04,05,20,\ ; [Yellow]        - Sends "ctrl-alt-3"
  5E,00,00,00,04,05,21 \ ; [Blue]           - Sends "ctrl-alt-4"

This is the first post that I actually do without a single code testing, its for reference only or documentation. I only fully support RC6 remotes hence original thread title.

Any one wants to take this further, use or create a new thread be my guest! RC6 Remotes is what I support, recommend and use. Laugh

Everytime I click the start button it exits XBMC and starts Windows Media Centre. How do I disable Media Centre?
silvine Wrote:Everytime I click the start button it exits XBMC and starts Windows Media Centre. How do I disable Media Centre?

You do not have to disable windows media center! Have you read my first post?

I thought I made it clear how to make your Green start button launch XBMC instead of WMC. Please read Green Start button section on my remote setup page and if you still have problems let me know.

It's the best solution ever for the green start button :-)

Have you installed my registry Config v1.24, it maps the Green start button to "Windows-Alt-Enter" which is compatible with autohotkey method that I use. Also are you using XBMC v10.0?

i'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong, but the remote i have is not working like the description here.

i have Win7, xbmc 10.0, MCE Remote with "teletext buttons" (no Microsoft sign), config v1.24 reg, keyboard.xml keymap 1.76.


the remote is working, but some buttons ar not. "volume up", "volume down" and "mute" are not working inside XBMC, but there are still controlling the windows volume functionality. the "red button" should work like "TAB" to change the view, but if i press the button i see only a popup that the button was pressed.

i was checking the volume buttons with ShowKey and here are the results:

volume up:
KeyID 175 (0xAF) - VK_VOLUME_UP
<volume_up>Notification(Key, volume_up, 3)</volume_up>
AppCmd WM_APPCOMMAND 10: Raise the volume

volume down:
<volume_down>Notification(Key, volume_down, 3)</volume_down>
AppCmd WM_APPCOMMAND 9: Lower the volume

<volume_mute>Notification(Key, volume_mute, 3)</volume_mute>
AppCmd WM_APPCOMMAND 8: Mute the volume

here is a part from xbmc.log

volume up --- 03:17:38 T:2172 M:1522454528 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 127136 pressed, action is
volume down --03:17:38 T:2172 M:1529188352 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 258208 pressed, action is

as i can see, there are no actions assigned to the keys Sad

i have remaped the volume up/down keys to the page up/down keys in user keyboard.xml and it was working, but this is not a solution for me.
Tunak Wrote:i'm not sure if i'm doing something wrong, but the remote i have is not working like the description here.

i have Win7, xbmc 10.0, MCE Remote with "teletext buttons" (no Microsoft sign), config v1.24 reg, keyboard.xml keymap 1.76.


the remote is working, but some buttons ar not. "volume up", "volume down" and "mute" are not working inside XBMC, but there are still controlling the windows volume functionality. the "red button" should work like "TAB" to change the view, but if i press the button i see only a popup that the button was pressed.

i was checking the volume buttons with ShowKey and here are the results:

volume up:
KeyID 175 (0xAF) - VK_VOLUME_UP
<volume_up>Notification(Key, volume_up, 3)</volume_up>
AppCmd WM_APPCOMMAND 10: Raise the volume

volume down:
<volume_down>Notification(Key, volume_down, 3)</volume_down>
AppCmd WM_APPCOMMAND 9: Lower the volume

<volume_mute>Notification(Key, volume_mute, 3)</volume_mute>
AppCmd WM_APPCOMMAND 8: Mute the volume

here is a part from xbmc.log

volume up --- 03:17:38 T:2172 M:1522454528 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 127136 pressed, action is
volume down --03:17:38 T:2172 M:1529188352 DEBUG: CApplication::OnKey: 258208 pressed, action is

as i can see, there are no actions assigned to the keys Sad

i have remaped the volume up/down keys to the page up/down keys in user keyboard.xml and it was working, but this is not a solution for me.

Sounds like your remote "Vol up, Vol down & mute" did not register correctly for some reason and still sending the default IR signals that controls Windows MCE using "WM_APPCOMMAND".

1-So you do not use Eventghost or any other remote helper apps?
2-Do you have "Microsoft eHome Infrared Transceiver" in Device Manager_> Human Interface Devices ?

I would recommend downloading MCERemoteMapper then open it.. Do you see on the list "[ID 14 - Button - Mute], [ID 16 - Button - Volume Up], [ID 17 - Button - Volume Down]"

Because MCERemoteMapper can read your registry configuration, if you do not see them buttons, then Please apply my Registry Config v1.24 again and restart. Then open MCE remote mapper if you still do not see the buttons, report back will go with a different way.

If you see them then on the app for the Mute button just select "F8" from the key dropdown menu, Volume Up Select "F10" and Volume Down Select "F11" Click apply Exit then restart your PC and see if the buttons work in XBMC.

THX for your reply.

1- i'm not using Eventghost, but i was using "plugin.program.mceremote-1.1.15" without any change. now is this plugin disabled
2- this is my device manager:

and MCERemoteMapper:

everything looks fine, but the buttons are not working.

the plugin was also not able to change any buttons, not only the volume buttons. i ran xbmc as an administrator and i had restarted the PC after a button change and reg modification.
I think you should fall back to the solution I use:


I think Event Ghost is great, but that's me.
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[WINDOWS] HOW-TO use MCE remote in XBMC under Windows the easy way15