Pause music while in library mode

I searched the wiki and searched the forums but couldn't find an answer. The Spacebar is normally used for pausing playback. But in library mode spacebar is used to display current playinglist.

Is there a way to bypass this? Reason I'm asking is i'm using a harmony one which is mapped to keyboard keystrokes. So pausing music while in librarymode just isn't possible at the moment for me.
no such mapping by default but you can easily add one yourself. or use the player controls in the lhs menu. your choice.
This used to annoy me too, though I now use an MCE remote with pause sending ctrl-P intead of space. I'm a bit surprised your Harmony sends a space for pause.

Anyhow open %appdata%\xbmc\userdata\keymaps and create a file called keyboard.xml containing:


This will override the default actions for space and force it to always execute "Pause".


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Pause music while in library mode0