XBMC Control and Extension Card

for a few days the idea keeps turning in my mind to build an extension card for xbmc. The software of xbmc is pretty cool and couldn't be matched by any commercial solution but the most used hardware isn't really specialized to work as an htpc. Sure there are some cases that fits these needs, but they are rather expansive.

My idea is to build an expanson card bluged into an internal usb-port which handels all the the missing hardware part in one solution.

My ideas this far:
- conection to a remote through rf
- turn on the htpc with the remote
- connection for rgb-led-bars (ambilight)
- to control an lcd-display (maybe)

Everything fixed to an unused pci-slot of the case. The price for the parts schould be round about 30-40€ (not included the etching of the circuit board).

i like clean solutions. In the moment im using a atom-ion-itx board, an wiimote to control it and an self build ambilight. The board is okay. The wiimote also expect the use of bluetooth, whitch sucks batteries and isn't able too turn on the htpc. the ambilight is nice but uses an external 12V poer supply, whitch isn't nice either. So, I like to improve my system^^.

I'm writing the thread because I want to collect additional ideas and opinions. A have a lot of work to do at the moment and could start with the planning at the earliest of next month.


P.S: Sorry for my bad english.
arrg, sry for dublicate thread. please remove one of them.

Ok will close this one and keep the other one open: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=80899

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