recommended video card for vdpau
I have an old dell gx280(P4 2.8 1GB Ram) I currently have an ATI x600 that works for standard def movies. This box will not play 1080P. When I try the CPU spikes to 100% and playback is choppy. I can't really update the CPU so I want to try and maybe upgrade the video card to something that will do vdpau with the hope that offloading some of the decoding will let me play 1080P

What card should I go with? It needs to be low profile,pci-e and be vdpau compatible.

O yeah
xmbc 9.11 and on a ubuntu 10.4 OS

Thanks in advance

did you look at this? looks like a g210 is quite cheap these days
last time i tried vdpau with an athlon64 3200+ and a gf8600 it worked quite well, so it should too with a p4 and a g210 Smile
Thatsalmost identical to the one I bought. I bought a passively cooled MSI g210 $20 after mail in rebate. Newegg. Com rocks!

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recommended video card for vdpau0