Feature Request - Music Fanart Visualization info
is there a mod, or does anyone else thinking it would be cool if the info at the bottom (album cover, now playing etc) didn't fade away? I think the screen looks a little naked with just a fanart pic, would be cool if i could just leave the info on the screen
Press 'I' toggles leaving the info on the screen...

Check out The Carmichael - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Night - A Skin For XBMC

Check out Unfinished - A Skin For XBMC
You could also add..
<songinfoduration>0</songinfoduration> <!-- controls duration of song information during visualisations. Range is "1" to "Indefinite (0)" seconds. -->
to your advancedsettings.xml then the info will stay there even after a restart Wink
boom, knew it would be something simple. cheers

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Feature Request - Music Fanart Visualization info0