Library does not function after XBMC update

Firstly I have searched for help on this but have gotten nowhere! So really appreciate any help or advice I can get here.

So, I recently upgraded my Apple TV with a Broadcom Crystal HD card. Installed the necessary drivers, and then updated XBMC to the nightly SVC build.

After this, going back in to XBMC I saw that the library had been toasted.

I have been unable to rebuild the library since. If I look at the settings of one of the directories on my NAS drive it is not configured as a media directory. I configure the directory as a movie folder, or tv and then exit. If I go back in to the settings the configuration is blank again.

I think this may be a permissions issue, and am wondering if I should just delete the media folder on the Apple TV and start again. But hoped that before taking that action there may be a simpler fix that someone here could help me with??

I see someone asking for a xbmc.log on in your future....

plus, I see someone saying "nightly SVN build is not a version".....

just a heads up! Devs are quicker to respond to posts and solve your problems when you give them the info they require up front....

from a personal front, I would ssh in and ls -al /path/to/share, which would give you the permission and ownership of the shared directory that's giving you issues.

Also, are you on the ATV OS or ATV(Linux) and how do you mount your shares? Through fstab or launchd or via XBMC built in client? What standard do you use? AFP, SMB, NFS? If you are using mount (either via fstab or other means) what options are you passing it?


PS I run linux on my ATV and use autofs to mount my shares using cifs (although this would work with mount, fstab, etc). I pass it the following options:


which basically automounts the share when I need it, as the local user (xbmc in my case) with reading and writing permissions. The noserverino option is because I'm mounting an Apple TimeMachine and it does funky things after about 20-30 mins and throws up loads of inode errrors and craps out without it....
Thanks for the advice. I looked at the guidelines for posting a help topic and realised my post was way off.

Anyway, I've taken a look at the log file and saw a number of entries indicating a SQL probem:

Quote:ERROR: SQL: Abort due to constraint violation

Rather than try any SQL troubleshooting, I wiped the user application data and started from scratch.

Seems that the DB is rebuilding now.

Glad you got it working... Think there was a change to the way the db was handled after beta2 - I went back from beta4 to beta2 and couldn't access my addons until I nuked the relevant db file. XBMC rebuilt the file and then all was peachy again...

As for the logs, it's the first thing the Devs ask for and they usually can't help you without them, so thought I'd give you a heads-up!


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Library does not function after XBMC update0