Reducing noise in Apex MI-008 case
Thank God !!! I can hear the refrigerator again !

I assembled an i3 onto an H55N-USB3 in an Apex-008 case. The CPU cooler is touching the power supply. Initially the noise levels were fine. But after installing the Graphics card, I found that the noise level was high. I blamed it on the card, removed that and packaged it ready for return... no difference, still loud.

I read a whole bunch of reviews on the case, including one on newegg which has the same setup as mine (or nearly he had installed a different CPU Cooler: SILVERSTONE NT07-1156).

All of the reviews said that the cpu fan was very quiet.

I took another look at the case and realized that the cpu coller was pressing even harder against the power supply.

Remedy: I got one of those wide rubber bands ( actually out of the kitchen drawer - they come with Brocolli to keep the stalks together in the supermarket). Anyway I prised the power supply up, slipped the band in with a butter knife and hey presto... I can hear the drone of the fridge compressor again, properly.

I hope that this helps someone.

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