Fast switching of profiles
Is there a way to set it up so that remote buttons can be mapped to a user profile? What I would ideally like to do is set up so that my wife can easily switch to the children's profile or her profile by simply pressing one button. (I was thinking that since I don't really use my number buttons I could map each one of them to a different profile. That way when you press the button it would take you to the home screen of that profile and alleviate the extra steps of logging onto the new profile.
extension23 Wrote:Is there a way to set it up so that remote buttons can be mapped to a user profile? What I would ideally like to do is set up so that my wife can easily switch to the children's profile or her profile by simply pressing one button. (I was thinking that since I don't really use my number buttons I could map each one of them to a different profile. That way when you press the button it would take you to the home screen of that profile and alleviate the extra steps of logging onto the new profile.

you can use this command to switch profiles:


Load the specified profile. If prompt is not specified, and a password would be required for the requested profile, this command will silently fail. If 'prompt' is specified and a password is required, a password dialog will be shown.

for example:

assuming Button number "1" sends 1 then you can put the script below in keyboard.xml anywhere in <global> sub section.

<1>LoadProfile(profilename, ['prompt'])</1>

List of functions here

More here
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Perfect. This is exactly what I was looking for. Thanks to both of you for the help and link.
Quote:for example:

assuming Button number "1" sends 1 then you can put the script below in keyboard.xml anywhere in <global> sub section.

<1>LoadProfile(profilename, ['prompt'])</1>

One note for others that end trying to do this... I actually had to spell out the numbers in order to get this to work. I figured that out after looking through the keymap.xml wiki entry, but hopefully this will save someone else the 20 minutes I spent trying to figure our why it wasn't working correctly.

That means the correct line would look like:

<one>LoadProfile(profilename, ['prompt'])</one>
extension23 Wrote:One note for others that end trying to do this... I actually had to spell out the numbers in order to get this to work. I figured that out after looking through the keymap.xml wiki entry, but hopefully this will save someone else the 20 minutes I spent trying to figure our why it wasn't working correctly.

That means the correct line would look like:

<one>LoadProfile(profilename, ['prompt'])</one>

I am so embarrassed, sorry about that I just miss typed it T_T you could've asked me then I would've spotted the problem for you. :-)

Sorry again.


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Fast switching of profiles0