Please help with xbmc for atv2
Hello, i inherited an apple tv2 with xbmc already installes and i am having 2 problems.

One is whenever i try to watch a movie on fastpasstv a message comes up saying "the link is dead or site changed, report this to me" and i was told that fastpass changed their site or something. How can i update this so it works correctly. If you can give me a step by step i would appreciate it. I am computer savvy but not so great with programming code but if i get a step by step guide im sure i can figure it out.

Also, how do i update my version of xbmc? I was told there is an updated version since mine was last installed and have no idea how to update this either.

More importantly i would like to get the fastpasstv plugin working correctly. Thanks for any help i appreciate it!!
if the site has changed the code for the addon must be updated to meet the change. you may want to contact the author of the addon and give them a heads up regarding the site change.
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Please help with xbmc for atv20