[windows] Keys for Common commands
ok i wa sgoing to use a wireless game controller + Xpadder to map the controlls

what are the basic controlls Keyboard wise as if it was the old versions w/ Xbox support?

like i know menu navigation is arrow keys, Enter for... Enter/Confirm/Ok(etc.) Escape for back

but what is it for Menu? what is it for Volume up/down? Pause, Play Stop Rewind fast forward? the Display Button on the old Xbox remote?(that would while running bring you back to the Last folder aka, if i was looking at E: 's Video's hitting that would bring me to that while teh video was playing?

basicly is there a command sheet list i can see so i can map accordingly?
Look at C:\Program Files\XBMC\system\keymaps\keyboard.xml.

Check out my guide below to get a hang of controller-configuration. You also will see what commands you can use and how to apply them to different contexts (like: While playing a movie, while in the library, etc.)
Need help? Check out my XBMC Frodo Guide. It contains full featured guides to Sickbeard and CouchPotato as well.


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