Kai on XBMC working,but...
If i start up my box, Kai does not startup automatically. Without doing anything it does not even connect, when i try unter Programs..

BUT IF I GO to the settings on XBMC, and turn Kai off for a second and after turn it back on, it works perfect!

What's my problem? Any ideas?
This is a known problem.. This problem seems to happen also only with PM3 skin .. In MC360 it works..
Here is the bug report:

Would be nice if a dev could have a look at it (perhaps jmarshall)? Wink
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Thx. I was able to fix it in PMIII, and as u mentionedMC360 worked perfect!

BUT i'm using an other skin, xSoft (http://www.xbox-skins.net/forums/index.p...wfile=5575) and i couldn't fix that!!

"it seems that anytime you add another condition on to System.KaiConnected it prevents kai from connecting on boot." (from https://sourceforge.net/tracker/index.ph...tid=581838)

so i removed every other condition on DVD-Rom lunch Button, DvD-Rom lunch Button 2 and on the xlink kai conditional button. But NO difference!!

Any Ideas?
I have tried several other skins, and it looks like the only skin that works without changing Home.xml is the MC360!!
chdude what did u edit to in home.xml to fix this i might have it working by the time u read this but just in case. currently i am dual booting the 2.0.1 lite release for xlink and the current svn build for all my streaming media
I just was able to fix it in PMIII. i did what they say! in home.xml under the DVD-Rom Buttons, i removed the second DVD Button, and i deleted the
"System.KaiConnected"-order in the Dvd-Rom button section. So finally i had just one DVD button whitout a "system.kaidconneted"-order, and the Kaid Button...

But i use XSOFT Skin, and there those changes had no effect at all...

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Kai on XBMC working,but...0