v21 Kodi v21 "Omega" Stable Release
Team Kodi is pleased to announce the official stable release of Kodi v21 Omega.

Downloads can be found in our usual Download pages.
The changelog can be found here... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/releases/tag/21.0-Omega

Before updating, ensure your favourite skin has been updated for v21.

Read more in the news article... https://kodi.tv/article/kodi-21-0-omega-release/
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Yes!!!!! I have been waiting for this for about 4 months!
Silly me, thinking this was the announcement post Smile
Congratulations on a perfectly fine release, best version to date hands down !
If having issues, maybe this will help.

My install is perfect! Thx team Smile 
Quote:Must a Nexus-compliant skin be updated to work with Omega?

At the moment, only Aeon Nox Silvo and Arctic Zephyr Reloaded are updated and submitted to the Official Repo.
There are other skins also, but still not submitted to the repo, but available from the skinners repo.
Thanks a lot to the whole team for this new release! Can't understand the point of people coming here insulting the work of people doing everything for free. Even if you're unsatisfied, you could at least try to be polite about what you feel is not working correctly.

I wish to give a special mention to @XODIDOX for bringing movie versions to Omega. And all the rest of the team that carried his initial work forward. It seems that xodidox didn't part amicably from this but I feel he should be proud of what he helped to achieve. So thanks!
For troubleshooting and bug reporting please make sure you read this first (usually it's enough to follow instructions in the second post).
Not a single issue for me.
Smooth updates as I run 2 portable versions  (current & nightly)

Thank Team Kodi!
(2024-04-07, 13:31)ashlar Wrote: special mention to @XODIDOX for bringing movie versions

Many thanks for this release. Omega-flawless upgrade, and this new feature is worth sounding bugles; many users have asked for 'multiple versions' under one roof and here it is.

P.S. Those who are having issues, leave a proper debug log in the various support o/s forums; but in the main, if you are running old add-ons, skins that have yet to be updated or hidden library issues you might well be advise to try a Portable mode (wiki) installation and rebuild your configuration. For those who are waiting for a personal fix, please note this is announcement forum; make your demands in the support forum of your choice.
All of the issues posts have been split off into this thread to allow for better support.

Please keep any issue discussions and reports to that thread, or if appropriate any more specific support sections within the forum.
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Updated without any major issues here. Had a minor issue with a couple skin updates, but that wasn't down to Kodi (specifically), rather a networking / cache issue.

Many thanks to the Kodi team for their efforts.


Dan / Gib.
(2024-04-06, 08:47)Karellen Wrote: Team Kodi is pleased to announce the official stable release of Kodi v21 Omega.

Downloads can be found in our usual Download pages.
The changelog can be found here... https://github.com/xbmc/xbmc/releases/tag/21.0-Omega

Before updating, ensure your favourite skin has been updated for v21.

Read more in the news article... https://kodi.tv/article/kodi-21-0-omega-release/
Great and spectacular work on the app for LG webOS TVs
Many thanks to the developers

run extremely well on pi5 with latest libreelec nightly , great work.

Concerning the news article , I think that you should clearly separate user experience change and change under the hood.

For exemple you don't talk about movie versions ( https://kodi.wiki/view/Video_versions ) but you talk about ffmpeg upgrade.
Normal user don't really care about ffmpeg update , but the version feature can be a nice addition.

To be simple , I think you need to separate  user facing change and under the hood change in your news , to not let people think " No notable change for my user experience"
When will the software for Kodi v21 (Omega) for the Raspberry Pi be available to download?
By "the software" do you mean the Kodi app for Linux or Something like Libreelec?
We don't actually supply Kodi directly for the Pi.

There are distributions for it (LibreElec, OSMC and a few others) who take our source code and wrap it up into an installable image, but they are separate entities from Team Kodi (although many individual developers are members of both).
So their road maps and releases are their own concern, but I know there are at least nightly versions of LE which include Omega.

Similarly for the more general operating systems (Raspberry Pi OS et al), the versions of kodi there are packaged and distributed by the OS suppliers and not us.
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Why the favourites? Does not open in KODI 21. The YATSE remote also does not function in 21.

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