v19 Artwork Downloader Matrix
Does this addon download artwork locally like Artwork Dump or does it work like Artwork Beef? I'm kinda looking for an Artwork Beef replacement. If I have to download the artwork locally then I'll probably just use the scrapers to insert the artwork without having to download the artwork into my actual folders and files locally.
You can choose..... locally or in db.
Artwork Beef was replacement for Artwork downloader .....this is old script.

XBoxMediaCenter (Kodi Matrix ) 19.3 , AndroidBox -Matrix Skin AeonMQ6
I am using 19.0.3 version of Artwork Downloader and want to report a small issue. I just recently added Alien³ to my collection (from 6 disc set) and it seems that the script does not like the "³" in the directory names. When I ran the script in 'solo' mode to download the artwork it seemed to be doing the right thing and reported 8 files downloaded, but in reality it wiped out the default artwork and there were no jpg or png files in the Alien³ movie dirs (one dir for theatrical cut and one die for assembly cut). To ensure that it wasn't a wider problem with the script, I wiped out the art from another recently archived movie and redownloaded successfully, so then I renamed the Alien³ directories from Alien³ to Alien3 and then the eight artwork files were successfully downloaded and stored in the Alien3 directories. It's no big deal, really, as I don't mind the directories being named Alien3 rather than the formal Alien³, I just wanted to let you know. Thanks very much for this great add-on.
Thanks for developing this! I am still on Kodi 16, Aeon Madnox with old and still working AD + AD mpdb version + Artwork Beef, on an old well working MacMini.

I never updated configuration because nowadays developper don't seem interested anymore in fanarts, newer versions of everything keep dropping fanarts functions, and I cross my fingers, until today my setup still download fanarts, logos, etc...

Will your new AD download extrathumbs / extrafanarts like the old one? And if yes, are they stored in a folder like in the past, or rathr scattered in the root movie folder as requested by the new Kodi guideline?

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Artwork Downloader Matrix0