[XBOX]How about two or more TV series menu entries?
Hi there,

I found a not-too-simple problem but I'm not sure if is related to mediastream skin only:

- I have my tv series
- My son has others
- My wife too

Tv series are in separated folders.

If I enable archive mode ALL us tv shows were mixed up and I think will be the same for movie achieve.

Is there a mode for have multiple db at the same time activated by a specific menu entry?


Do this.......Inside of your TV folder make 3 folders. Yours, Hers, Kids. Put the Shows folder in the respective folders. ( EXAMPLE: Family Guy in Yours, Fringe in Hers, Weeds in Kids......LOL). Put a picture (Same dimentions as a movie poster icon) of you in yours. Name it "Folder.jpg". Do the same with the others. Her in hers. Kids in kids.

Since Files Mode (pretty much) has all the same "bling" as Library Mode now.....Use Files Mode as the default instead of Library Mode.

This way when you select " Go to TV Shows"....it goes to the 3 Pics. You, Her, Kid. You each can select your own icon, which the would diplay your own Shows.
I'm fairly certain this is why support for profiles was added to XBMC ~3yrs ago.
Maybe he doesn't use "Profiles". OR Maybe he might consider the concept to be to much for his wife or child to handle. People like to have options......We both provided options for him to use.
althekiller Wrote:I'm fairly certain this is why support for profiles was added to XBMC ~3yrs ago.
I know profiles, but isn't what I need.
FourTwentySmilz Wrote:Inside of your TV folder make 3 folders. Yours, Hers, Kids...
Work time here, this evening I'll try what you proposed because probably is the right solution.

Thanks to both for the help.


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[XBOX]How about two or more TV series menu entries?0