Please Add this stacking expression...
<regexp>[ ]*\(([0-9]).*$</regexp>

I got help with this years ago. It defines movies split like so:

Moviename (1-2).avi
Moviename (2-2).avi

I may be the only person in the world who uses this naming convention, but I don't seen any harm in asking to have it put in the stacking expressions in SVN so I don't have to hunt for a three year old thread in the offchance of my decidning to start anew with XBMC again.
This is why we have advancedsettings.xml...
im not trying to start a fight but it looks (mind you im not a software developer) like a simple piece of code that could be added within minutes? just a though.
It's also a simple piece of code that can be added in minutes by the few users that need it.
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the reason for not adding it is simple; it is not a very common naming scheme and the expression is error prone (i.e. it cans stack stuff that isnt supposed to be stacked). defaults have to prioritize not making errors
Let me start by saying that I've only been using the program for the past three years or so...I had no idea there was anything called ADVANCEDSETTINGS.XML

What does that do?

The reason I asked to have it added to the program was because I just recently lost an entire hard drive, the contents of which included my backup of settings for XBMC, Including the Advancedsettings.xml which held the expression for my movies.

Aside from that hard drive, the only other place in the world where a copy of that expression exists is in a three-year-old thread on this forum. If that were to vanish for some reason, I'd be screwed. Seeing as how it originally took something like a week to even get the help I needed to get my stacking to work, I thought I could ASK if somebody could just add it to the program so I don't have to keep track of where one arcane string of information is kept.

So yes, it is a simple piece of code that can be added in minutes...but it's the same simple piece of code that I've been having to add to XBMC for the past THREE YEARS.

If you tell me the expression is buggy and that it could cause problems, that's one thing...but I am damned sick of being treated like an idiot or plain out ignored every time I ask one of you "high-and-mighty" devs for some information or help. This site is quite frustrating in the aspect that it's like pulling teeth half the time to get a straight answer from anybody...
Relax. Reading this thread, I'm pretty sure no one treated you like an idiot.

Apart from Aaron ( who just mimiced your question ) every answer told you either how to handle the problem yourself, or why it wouldn't be added to the main code.

And ignored? You got answered by three team members within a day, so wtf are you going on about?

I'm sorry you lost your harddrive, it sucks. The same exact thing thing JUST happened to me, and I lost a lot of stuff (including my own xbmc stuff), so I can definitely sympathize. But there is definitely nothing stopping either one of us from backing up data so this isn't a valid argument.

Just be careful that you're not confusing "no, but we made it super easy to add it yourself" with rudeness.
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I have to ask who treated you like an idiot? I think what people get sick of here is others who ask for things that they can find out by searching a little. Also, spiff gave you a GREAT answer as to why it will not be added. They do not want a truck load of expressions in there because it may match someone else's setup when it shouldn't.

I also have to said you have been using it for 3 years and you have no idea that there was an advancedsettings.xml...then you said you lost your hard drive including the advancedsetting.xml. And you said you want it added so you don't have to add it for the next three many times have you added it? You should only have to add it once to the advancedsettings.xml and you are done. Keep a backup on your computer and maybe one on a thumb drive. Then you should have no worries.

I don't think it should be up the the devs to keep a backup of that for you. If they did that for everyone, XBMC would be very bloated.

Check the wiki in one of their signatures for how to make an advancedsettings.xml. Then when it is working, make a backup. Good luck.

Who treated me like an idiot?

Quote:This is why we have advancedsettings.xml...

Quote:It's also a simple piece of code that can be added in minutes by the few users that need it.

Maybe I should have been more clear in my initial post...but when I say "I've got this expression.", I don't know, I guess I would've assumed that that meant I know where to put the stacking expressions.

My frustration comes from the fact that if I do get answers, it's a result of a quick skim over what I'm saying, and then the most contrite response possible.

Yes, spiff answered my question. It can't be added because it would make the program too bloated. That's all the response I needed.

Why am I getting a little frustrated? Because, it's not just here that I get the feeling that...IDK...asking you guys for anything is such a hassle to you.

My reasons for asking to have this particular string included are not because I don't know where to put it myself, or don't want to do's the fact that I have to add it to any installation of XBMC I do for anybody who may be getting copies of a movie in my collection. I've done over a dozen mods in the past couple of years...and I thought, "Gee, it would be really nice if the devs could add this one tiny string of code to the program so I don't have to look it up every time I do a fresh install of XBMC."

And for the record...yes, I know what/where advancedsettings.xml is.
Me Wrote:It's also a simple piece of code that can be added in minutes by the few users that need it.

This wasn't even directed at you, it was directed towards the person that came with the oh so common "it's so simple, why don't YOU add it."

You are basically being angry at us because your question was not intelligible to two different team members.
There was NO indication you even wanted to recreate your advancedsettings file, the only thing you really did was to request that it was added by someone else to the XBMC source code because you couldn't be arsed to do a little research. (Just try to read it again after taking like ten deep breaths)
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sho Wrote:This wasn't even directed at you, it was directed towards the person that came with the oh so common "it's so simple, why don't YOU add it."

You are basically being angry at us because your question was not intelligible to two different team members.
There was NO indication you even wanted to recreate your advancedsettings file, the only thing you really did was to request that it was added by someone else to the XBMC source code because you couldn't be arsed to do a little research. (Just try to read it again after taking like ten deep breaths)

Again...if I know what string expression I need to get my movies to stack...would it not stand to reason that I know where to put it? I mean...come on.

It's not that I don't get how to do it. I do. I just didn't think it would be a huge deal to go "Sure, this expression will only make the program recognize more stacked files. I don't see why one of us couldn't add it for you."

I didn't think it would be a big deal. I thought you guys would understand that, if I know what the expression I need is and how it works, then I obviously know where advancedsettings.xml is and what it does.

Me not knowing what that file is would be very akin to knowing a telephone number but not what a telephone is or how to use one. This is why I'm frustrated...because I just didn't think this would be that big of a deal...
In that case you had your answer (even if inadvertently).
You could have just checked out advancesettings.xml in the online manual and the case would have been closed...
Do you know how many responses I make every day to things easily found in the online-manual?
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sho Wrote:In that case you had your answer (even if inadvertently).
You could have just checked out advancesettings.xml in the online manual and the case would have been closed...
Do you know how many responses I make every day to things easily found in the online-manual?

The point was not to ask how to do it.

The point was to ask if it could be added to XBMC itself, instead of my custom file. That was it. That was all I ever wanted to know.

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Please Add this stacking expression...0