Problems with audio sync in xbmc
Hi I was wondering if anyone else is experiencing sync issues. I am getting rock solid sync if I play a MKV file in TMT3, but the same file in XBMC has sync issues. I have set auto adjust on, sync to display (audio resample). I am using a nvdia video card on Vista.

I have also seen that XBMC changes to the background program and the display becomes black sometimes. Help would be appreciated.

Also, what are the best settings for proper auto adjust?
Please post a debug log, tell us what revision of XBMC you are using, and just generally follow this thread:

For that second issue, are you using the default pm3.hd skin, or something else?
I'm having similar issues when playing back avi files. The video is way too slow. XBMC shows the files have 9,0 fps. Using GSpot with the files says they're 25 fps though and they play back with Media Player Classic on the same hardware just fine.

Revision: 22434

AMD Athlon Dual Core Processor 4450e
Desktop Resolution: 1280x720 32Bit at 60Hz
ATI Radeon X 1200

OS: Windows Vista, 32-bit Service Pack 1 build 6001

Debug Log:
All's well now. I changed render method from software to auto.

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Problems with audio sync in xbmc0