[LINUX] settings.xml file location, and WindowXML problems
Exactly right, checked or not checked status. A bunch of them, like

Option 1: x
Option 2: x
Option 3:
Option 4: x
Option 5:

I don't see a way to do this with xbmc.Settings...

I have a workaround for my script that handles this for me.

BTW, with the work this weekend, my KollectiON X script is close to being ready for a Beta release. How do I get setup to publish it to the official script SVN area?

That's checkboxes, and I believe you might still be thinking of your dynamic creation from the database... Otherwise you can simply define them with the type="bool", like I said earlier.

You have to request access from one of the project owners - see http://code.google.com/p/xbmc-addons/

I would also suggest uploading it on sites like XBMCZone.com, there's quite a few people downloading their addons from over there using the installer in my signature.

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[LINUX] settings.xml file location, and WindowXML problems0