New to HTPC, coming from Gaming hardware
So, I am working on building an HTPC. I want to stream HD 720/1080, and do hulu/netflix, etc.

Right now, I have an i5-2400s laying around, and just ordered a Silverstone GD05. I also have a spare 64gb SSD laying aroudn that I will do the OS on. I will be streaming from my 8TB FreeNAS that I have in my home as well. My question-hardware wise>

Motherboard: Something basic? I am coming from the realm of needing high end gear to do what I am doing... so my thought is buy the best I can buy...but from what I am seeing, that is not needed for streaming.
This is what I was looking at:

Will the i5 2400s be ok enough without a dedicated GPU? I plan to add one eventually, so I can game a little bit. But, if I ever want to game, I just jump on my dual 7970 rig....

RAM, i will just pick up 8gb of RAM for $30... dont really think high end is needed there.

PSU-I have been looking at the fanless PSU's... and they are stupid expensive. What is a good quality PSU that is quiet and puts out about 4-500 watts?

Keyboard/mouse: I think I am going to go with a Logitech K300/400.... or one of the mini controllers, but havent decided yet.

Software: XBMC, Media center master, and Windows... (dont know which one yet)

I plan to add a tuner/PVR eventually. Thoughts on that?

Thanks for the help... I appreciate it. Gaming, I know my stuff.... specialized builds... not so much

you'll need:
any h series motherboard for your socket (but remember hdmi!)
any psu over 150w (atx)

and you'll be good to go Smile
is the i5-2400s going to have enough video oomph for what I want to do?
well, you only need the video part for xbmc - netflix and services like it are usualy only hard for the cpu.
#5 the 2400s good enough for that.
The i5-2400s has the Intel 2000 HD graphics which even with a "weak" 1,1GHz processor plays everything I've thrown at it. The i5-2400s will also have the CPU oomph to play anything that can be GPU accelerated. It's a great chip. You're good to go.

And, you can drive a basic i5-2400s/H77/SSD/8GB system with a picoPSU power supply no problem, even the 120W though the 150-XT or 160-XT will give you more headroom above maximum (picoPSUs should not be drive at 100% load (aka "peak") for long periods of time according to the manual). 400-500W would be overkill and since you're looking at using 30-40W most of the time for what you're proposing, it would be very inefficient.

just tested my weakest iGPU to be sure (i3 3220t w/hd2500)
does 2x full-hd playback at 2,27mB/s each, with 0 dropped frames while running a winrar extraction, utorrent downloading and me surfing Smile

The CPU part is weaker than yours and the iGPU isn't much better so you'll be good Smile
(2012-11-14, 20:54)RaggSokk3n Wrote: well, you only need the video part for xbmc - netflix and services like it are usualy only hard for the cpu.

(2012-11-14, 20:57)Dougie Fresh Wrote: The i5-2400s has the Intel 2000 HD graphics which even with a "weak" 1,1GHz processor plays everything I've thrown at it. The i5-2400s will also have the CPU oomph to play anything that can be GPU accelerated. It's a great chip. You're good to go.

And, you can drive a basic i5-2400s/H77/SSD/8GB system with a picoPSU power supply no problem, even the 120W though the 150-XT or 160-XT will give you more headroom above maximum (picoPSUs should not be drive at 100% load (aka "peak") for long periods of time according to the manual). 400-500W would be overkill and since you're looking at using 30-40W most of the time for what you're proposing, it would be very inefficient.

See, i need something ATX format for my case... especially if I decide to put in a GPU later on.

(2012-11-14, 21:16)RaggSokk3n Wrote: just tested my weakest iGPU to be sure (i3 3220t w/hd2500)
does 2x full-hd playback at 2,27mB/s each, with 0 dropped frames while running a winrar extraction, utorrent downloading and me surfing Smile

The CPU part is weaker than yours and the iGPU isn't much better so you'll be good Smile

Perfect. T hank you!

As long as I can get 5.1 out of it, I will be happy!
(2012-11-14, 21:36)derek1387 Wrote: Do they make picoPSU's in the ATX style? It would be going in the case that takes full size PSU's

No, but you can get a plate for where the ATX would have gone to mount the power input jack and cover the space. (with a fan) (without a fan)

The picoPSU 150-XT and 160-XT use the 4-pin mini-DIN jack while the lower output picoPSUs use the barrel-style jack

Now i feel like i should have gone SFF instead of the cable box replacement size Sad

But, I plan on adding a tuner and such later, and possible GPU.
Then maybe keep it simple and just get a 300-400W PSU.

SeaSonic SS-300ET
Antec EA380D
OK. So a simple PSU. I think I have decided on the motherboard.

Should I do an internal or external tuner? Is there a benefit to either one? I have room for an internal if needbe
I like my external tuner because I could put it right where the coax feed comes in from the street and therefore have a very short coax run to the tuner. My modem, router and switches were all there for the same reason (I have cable internet) so it worked out very well. I think it depends a lot on what's where in your place.

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New to HTPC, coming from Gaming hardware0