jus upgraded to the newest build 2-18 and didn't backup my user folder Shocked now i am stuck with the default scripts and the ones i got before are all gone now i am having trouble adding new scripts becuase i had a program before that used to let me browse other scripts and i don't see that naymore i have a svn repo installer but i dunon what that is and it won
t take me anywhere.. any advice?
Welcome to the forums.

Check out the wiki, it's full of answers to common questions like this. Don't be afraid of the forum search button either.
thanks for the quick response..will check out the wiki
Personally I love the Passion XBMC Installer, it's dead easy to use and seems to have all the most up to date plugins and scripts available. If you do a search you should find a link to the download on here somewhere.
Here is the thread about Installer Passion-XBMC: http://forum.xbmc.org/showthread.php?tid=42612

Repositories Installer: select and install unofficial repositories / TAC.TV: watch videos on TAC.TV
Installer Passion-XBMC: Download and Install Add-ons (pre-Dharma only)


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