First HTPC - Need Help Please
I'm about to build a HTPC but need help selecting my components. This will be the first time I've custom built a PC so I need a bit of help matching components and I need opinions on different processors/mobos etc.

I am going to install lubuntu as the OS an have it boot straight into XMBC as I want it t be as lightweight as possible. The sole-purpose of this machine is just to run XMBC and its addons. I have to work under a fairly strict budget of around €300 (preferebly less) so I guess around $350? I took as much help from eskro's thread as possible and this is what I've come up with so far but I've no problem starting from scratch





I have no idea what mobo or case to choose and I'm not too sure about the CPU/GPU, any suggestions? any help would be greatly appreciated, thanks
How about a fm2 socket instead? Same price range and packs more power.
For a case I can recommend Silverstone ML03B + Silverstone 400W ATX psu (around 100$)

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First HTPC - Need Help Please0